Jay Ramirez (born 1985) is a Colombian born Speed skater.
Early Life
Born in Anserma, Colombia, Jay Ramirez moved to London at the age of 12 and trained as a figure skater at the Queensway Ice Rink. He was made Head Boy at St George's School in Maida Vale by Lady Marie Stubbs and spent several years managing retail shops in London and Oxford before, in 2010, he switched to Speed skating.
He is currently living in the Netherlands and training at the Utrecht City Bokaal.
Ramirez was ranked 99th in Don Juan Magazine's Top 100 Colombian Males of 2011 and he was interviewed and featured on BBC TV news in October 2011 as they are following his attempt to become the first Colombian born athlete to compete in the Winter Olympic Games.
In 2011 he also spoke as a guest of BT at a special event at the British Embassy in Bogota to celebrate 300 days to the start of the 2012 Olympic Games in London.
Other Activities
Jay was the costume consultant on the newly released British feature film The Hour of Living and in 2011 translated the feature film Round Ireland with a Fridge into Spanish for the DVD release.
[1][2][3] http://ukincolombia.fco.gov.uk/en/news/?view=News&id=668849882 http://www.revistadonjuan.com/100-don-juanes?incio=58&fin=82
category: Speed skating,category: Sport in Colombia,